ISO 14001 Certification

Regional Development Funds of North Aegean Region has an ISO 14001 Certification since June 2009.

The Regional Fund has been certified on 26 June 2009 by an independent international organization according to ISO-14001: 2015. ISO 14001 is the only internationally recognized standard for Environmental Management Systems (EMS).
The Northern Regional Development Fund initiated in 2008 a series of environmental actions including:
recycling of electronic equipment
recycling of electronic equipment (e.g. electronic equipment recycling)
collection of paper for recycling
replacement of electric light bulbs with energy efficient ones 
In addition, at the end of 2008, in cooperation with the Environment Department of the University of the Aegean, it started the procedures for its certification according to the international and European standards ISO 14001 and EMAS.
The Environmental Management System will help us to change our mindset towards a more rational, more responsible behaviour towards the environment. With the changes in our procedures, the Regional Fund becomes the first public body (after the