The underground waters provide a constant flow of water in the rivers and the wetlands. The maintenance of this flow and the protection of waters from the pollution are vital for the aqua-ecosystems. The underground waters are the more basic source of potable water for three in four European citizens, while, the European countries use underground waters in the industry for the refrigeration, as well as for the irrigation of agricultural extents.
The project SHARP is focused in the exchange of knowledge on the application of innovative techniques for the protection of underground water reserves in the regions of his eight partners. Thus in the frame of the project the partners will exchange and will improve innovative technologies, that are applied with success, for the sustainable management of quality and the quantity of underground water reserves, aiming at the acceleration of decision-making and action mainly in local and regional level.
Aim of the project constitutes the resolution of conflict of uses of reserves between water supply and irrigation – industry. The project is based on the reciprocal exchange of technical knowledge and on the application of existing technologies in different geological – geographic regions. The close collaboration of partners that emanates from regions with different climatic, geological and geographic conditions will ensure the development of new approaches and innovative solutions in common problems with respect in the world regulating factors.
The exchange of experiences and the distribution of knowledge are realized mainly via seminars, educational visits and trans regional meetings. Moreover an electronic-web center of information is being developed that supports the exchange of knowledge and facilitates the collaboration of partners, as well as remaining relative services and involved institutions in European level.